How the use of CBD oil can show up in a drug test 

Drug Testing presents many “what if” questions and often there is confusion as to what can and cannot show up on a drug test. Today, we will be examining CBD oils and how they can present themselves in a drug test. 

CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis (marijuana). According to Harvard Health, CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana. The oil is taken directly from a Hemp Plant. 

Cannabis Sativa is an extremely versatile plant that growers develop for multiple reasons, including medical, recreational, and even hemp-based construction materials. CBD can now be found in a range of high street stores, from vaping liquid to sweets and skin creams. 

The number of people using CBD within the UK is estimated to be around 1.3 million, advocates of CBD oil say it relieves chronic pain, inflammation, depression, and insomnia. What can sometimes trigger a positive test through CBD products is the amount of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main ingredient in marijuana.   

If enough THC is present in someone’s system, this will mean the subject could test positive, even with just use of CBD oils.  


How much THC is required to take a drug test positive?  

The drug tests screen for THC or THC-COOH. Each test has different detection limits and can be identified from as little as 50 nanograms with most testing types.  

With Saliva testing, there is no established limit which means even the smallest amounts of THC can be detected.    

Surprisingly, people who use CBD may fail a drug test with such low thresholds: Products that contain CBD may be contaminated with THC or have improper labelling so even the most cautious of users could get caught out 

Users should ensure that the CBD products they use are from reliable sources that can confirm the products do not contain any THC. 

OdiliaClark offers bespoke HR packages in regards to workplace drugs and alcohol impairment management and is welcomed by HR teams due to the complexities of these issues 

The service can range from providing advice for one document, writing a range of policies or running a training/awareness project. OdiliaClark can offer a complete HR service depending on the businesses needs. Click here to begin a conversation today.  


This article was written by one of the Odilia Clark research team. Odilia Clark is a specialist HR services company with over 30 years of combined experience in the space. If you would like to find out more, please get in contact

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